Cost Effective and Current Childcare Staff Training delivered to you!

The training consultants for Onsite have worked in all areas of the Early Childhood profession for close to 20 years and have experienced the full spectrum of dilemmas that I’m sure we’ve all faced from time to time relating to staff and training.

Encouraging staff to travel to quality training sesions outside of work hours was a number 1 dilemma in our experience.

Anothre issue was that a need may arise for a particular staff member to be ‘refreshed’ on a specific topic or you may have a team that needs a bit of support and motivation to get through an area of conflict. By the time you go through the training calender and find a session remotely appropriate it may not be for another 6 months.

Budget wise, you may also find a training session that would be great for the whole team but you can only afford to send 2 of them.

We also felt that some centres can feel a little isolated and wanted to devise an interactive website that can encourage others to network by sharing ideas and discussing dilemmas and ultimatley strengthening the Early Childhood Profession. After all who wants to re-invent the wheel when there are some inspiring things already available.

We thought there had to be a better way to deliver unique and quality training sessions that eliminated all these dilemmas.

After spending years researching training providers in Australia and overseas,  we came to the conclusion there was little in the way of products that could be sent to centres and kept onsite as a training resource for existing and new staff members.

It was at this point that myself and a number of other Early Childhood Training Consultants decided to design some superior training packages covering a huge range of relevant topics and compacted them into short and sharp 15-30 minute interactive sessions. What makes it even better is it’s in a DVD format so staff can have them on hand to watch as soon as the need arises in a staff meeting or even at home.

We are now hoping this is going to be the key corner stone of the childcare centres training resource.

Kelly Nickless

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